
Fiche chercheur

CSGA - Les chercheurs


After working for a several years on the cognitive processes that underlie food preference and consumption, Dr. Claire Sulmont-Rossé has initiated research on food behavior in the elderly. Her research focuses on a better understanding of the factors liable to alter food intake in the elderly, as was as on the development of interventions combining nutrition and eating pleasure to tackle malnutrition in this population.



Habilitation Thesis, science of feeding, University of Burgundy, Dijon (France).

Post-Doc 2001, psychology, School of Human Development, University of Texas, Dallas (USA).

PhD 2000, science of feeding, 2000, French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA), Dijon (France).


Professional experience

Depuis 2015: Senior Scientist, INRAE, Dijon (France).

2000-2014: Junior Scientist, INRA, Dijon (France).


Research topic

Memory : food recognition test; priming; impact of choice and variety on food choice; food and well-being.

The elderly: impact of ageing on olfactory and gustatory capacities; impact of ageing on food preferences and rejects; attitudes of elderly people regarding food and diet; impact of oral health on food intake; factors contributing to alter versus improve appetite; impact of culinary dependence on nutritional status.



Sensory evaluation; consumer test; hedonic test; olfactory and gustatory tests; focus group; survey; clinical study; in-the-field study; systematic literature review.


Recent publications

Divert C., Laghmaoui R., Crema C., Issanchou S., Van Wymelbeke V., Sulmont-Rossé C. (2015). Improving meal context in nursing homes. Impact of four strategies on food intake and meal pleasure. Appetite, 84, 139–147.

Sulmont-Rossé C., Maître I., Amand M., Symoneaux R., Van Wymelbeke V., Caumon E., Tavarès J. & Issanchou S. (2015). Evidence for different patterns of chemosensory Alterations in the elderly. Chemical Sense, 40, 153–164.

Parizel O., Labouré H., Marsset-Bagliari A., Fromentin G., Sulmont-Rossé C. (2016). Providing choice and/or variety during a meal: impact on vegetable intake. Appetite, 108, 391-398.

Muñoz-Gonzalez C., Vandenberghe-Descamps M, Feron G., Canon F., Labouré H., Sulmont-Rossé C. (2018). Association between salivary hypofunction and food consumption in the elderlies. A systematic literature review. The Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging, 22, 407-419.

Vandenberghe-Descamps M., Labouré H., Septier C., Feron G., Sulmont-Rossé C. (in press). Oral comfort: a new concept to understand elderly people's expectations in terms of food sensory characteristics. Food Quality and Preference,


PhD surpervision

Ségolène Fleury, PhD, on-going, University of Burgundy, Dijon (France). Impact of culinary dependence on the nutritional status of elderly people living at home.

Mathilde Vandenberghe-Descamps, PhD, 2018, University of Bourgogne, Dijon (France). Impact of oral physiology of elderly people on food consumption: what solutions can be found to maintain nutrition status ?

Odile Parizel, PhD, 2015, AgroParisTech, Paris (France). Providing food choice during a meal: impact on food liking and food intake.

Marie Gaillet, doctorat, 2013, Université de Bourgogne, Dijon (France). How the methods used in cognitive psychology could improve the understanding of food behavior? Impact of an olfactory priming.


Additional responsibilities

Chairman of the European Sensory Network (since 2016).

Co-animator of the CSGA committee Animation & Communication.

Teaching focus: eating pleasure in the elderly; factors affecting diet in elderly people; development of food tailored to elderly people needs, capacities and preferences.